Placed in a side pocket in my purse and ready for the Quilt shops.. |
how many times have you been to a Fabric shop and realized you have fabric at home or a quilt at home your working on and forgot swatches?...I did that a few weeks ago when I was out of town and my cousin said she knew of this great fabric store.. so we load up and when we arrive I see this is a HUGE and wonderful fabric store and when I enter a fabric shop my mind just goes blank I can't remember one thing about the fabric I have at home or the quilt I am working on...so I decided on my way home after that delightful trip I was not going to get caught like that again so I decided this morning to create something that would allow me to carry my swatches and not let them get lost in the bottom of my bottomless purse so this is what I did....I got a key ring (just the ring part) and I cut squares of heavy velum I then cut the swatches I am wanting to match to other fabrics the same size as the Velum, I then punched a hole in the top, glued my fabric to the velum, put that through the key ring, and fancied the whole thing up a little with my pinking sheers...this is the end result.......