Saturday, February 8, 2014

Quilting has taught me so much.....

First Quilt I ever made...

Look at all those Notes...
As I was thinking back I took my first Quilting class between 12 and 15 years ago...a beginners Quilting 101 class and I took a lot of notes I wanted to be sure to make every stitch perfect so it would fit all together....well as I have been making a few more difficult quilts over the years I am finding things don't always fit together perfectly I've spent many hours seam ripping and starting all over, I've even thrown blocks away out of frustration...what I have learned is nothing is perfect sometimes you just have to take your eyes off the imperfections and allow a little grace to take over...I've learned in the process of that Patience...I have to be patient with my machine, myself, the pattern I am working with etc...I've learned to think outside the box and create on my own, to do what I like on a project...even to the point that sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with a pattern in my head and I have to draw it out so I don't forget...Quilting isn't just a hobby for me it is a lot of life lessons along the way...Grace, Mercy, Faith, Hope and whole lot of Love...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Circles are my new Favorite...

I got me a brand new Circle ruler made by Lori Holt and boy do I love it...I've made so many circles I'm getting dizzy...I made my daughter a Table runner using the circles and this last week I cut out raw edge circles to make a raw edge circle much fun and so many projects can be made now...I am excited that I now have a nice circle for those Dresden's I have that need to made into something...