Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Sew Day....

Well it's Friday and we aren't going out of town so I really needed a day all to myself with my trusty sewing machine...I haven't been very creative in the last few months and it seems like I am making up for it now...I needed to make our Land Yacht (DH name for our motor home) cozy like decided to make a table topper...I'm trying to incorporate more blue into the green fabric that is already on the chairs ,couch etc...I ordered fabric for the first time back in February and I was very pleased when it arrived the pictures didn't do it I can't wait to make another trip over to the coast and see how the table topper looks...
The chosen Fabric...

What ever would I do without Binding clips...

Almost finished....

Gotta add a little Love....

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Oh My Gosh as if I didn't have enough to get done I find a tutorial on how to make these darling pillowcases in about an hour or less...I would have never guessed by rolling these things up and sewing them that they would turn out half as cute and easy to make....I made this first one for my Granddaughter...shes going to love I am on a mission to get fabric for both Grandsons so they can have their own cases to.....Gotta run!!!!