Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sewing like Mad....

I have finished 20 Coffee's been non stop sewing for three solid days...I've had several orders to fill so this first 20 will be gone fast...I am loving making these cozies I think the best part is color coordinating the fronts and backs and then the buttons....the buttons are soooooo much fun!!! sewing room is a total creative mess...
Buttons and More Buttons

just part of the mess

20 done...

20 stacked...

Friday, February 13, 2015

My Newest Creation...

And by creation I mean obsession....I have been sewing non stop since I found out how fun and easy these Coffee Cozies are to make...they keep your hand cool while holding the hot beverage and lets face it they are soooo much cuter then those cardboard ones....I have some for sale if anyone is interested...

Friday, February 6, 2015

Has it really been 7 months....

Gosh it's hard to believe it's been 7 whole months since I last blogged...busy much??? oh yes I have been...I've made a few quilts and learned to make cute pouches with zippers...yes I said zippers...I've been zipper challenged for many years but I am happy to report I am no longer challenged in that area...well I am happy to be back and I will be posting some pictures of my creations over these months...