Sunday, October 21, 2012


and this is big sister...
Edward Blaise...
another precious Grandblessing was born Saturday early morning and are we over the moon in love with him...this is our number 3 Grandchild and My life is so full and I am so grateful for my precious Family that keeps growing and growing...

More Pink...

lots of pink...

I went to the fabric store Friday did I need more fabric?... well no not really but I just can't resist and especially pink fabric...heres the newest additions to my pink stash...
newest additions...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Fabric Stash...

Just Stuff...

Cutting Area..
This morning I woke up really ready to get back to some sewing, Sunday I had hit up JoAnn's and got me a big mat and some other fun things to use and I was looking forward to trying them all out I have a few UFO's I wanted to finish and get posted to my Etsy Store but then as I was half way into my projects I got super cranky...and the reason is my sewing room and all my supplies etc.. are so cluttered I can't even stand looking at the room, which by the way is my favorite room,...I stepped back trying to figure it all out and then I was looking at my Fabric stash, my cutting mat area and just the room in general and it hit me in the Eyes...CLUTTER guess what I will be doing today instead of sewing?...thats right organizing and cleaning and straightening this all out....

Saturday, October 6, 2012

a few little Handmade things...

I have been so busy getting my Etsy store ready to open that I've been very anxious. I hate that rushed feeling especially when it comes to my Crafts, because thats the one area I want to slow down and enjoy not hurry and I picked up a book this week from Beverly's titled "Hexa go go" it answered all my questions on how to make those cute little hexagon's and let me tell you once you master the craft there is nothing you want to do more then sit and make those little things all day long....I also started some embroidery work that I am going to start incorporating into my quilts and once again another craft that is so relaxful I can do both my needle works watching TV....