Fabric Stash... |
Just Stuff... |
Cutting Area.. |
This morning I woke up really ready to get back to some sewing, Sunday I had hit up JoAnn's and got me a big mat and some other fun things to use and I was looking forward to trying them all out I have a few UFO's I wanted to finish and get posted to my Etsy Store but then as I was half way into my projects I got super cranky...and the reason is my sewing room and all my supplies etc.. are so cluttered I can't even stand looking at the room, which by the way is my favorite room,...I stepped back trying to figure it all out and then I was looking at my Fabric stash, my cutting mat area and just the room in general and it hit me in the Eyes...CLUTTER Everywhere...so guess what I will be doing today instead of sewing?...thats right organizing and cleaning and straightening this all out....
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